De 1900 à aujourd’hui, le paysage de la cité rhodanienne a subi d’importants changements. Ce livre juxtapose des vues de quartiers, de rues ou de monuments lyonnais prises exactement sous le même angle à près d’un siècle de distance. Cette confrontation du passé et du présent délivre une foule d’informations sur l’ampleur des mutations qui ont affecté le grand comme le petit patrimoine au cours du XXe siècle.
Identical shots, a hundred years apart. From 1900 to the present day, the Lyon cityscape has undergone extensive changes. This book juxtaposes dual views of Lyon’s neighborhoods, streets and historic buildings taken from identical angles at a century’s distance. Contrasting the past against the present provides a wealth of information on the extent to which these changes have shaped and moulded both major and minor aspects of the city’s heritage over the course of the twentieth century. Each pair of pictures bears captions in both French and English.
Identical shots, a hundred years apart. From 1900 to the present day, the Lyon cityscape has undergone extensive changes. This book juxtaposes dual views of Lyon’s neighborhoods, streets and historic buildings taken from identical angles at a century’s distance. Contrasting the past against the present provides a wealth of information on the extent to which these changes have shaped and moulded both major and minor aspects of the city’s heritage over the course of the twentieth century. Each pair of pictures bears captions in both French and English.
Edition bilingue français-anglais
Daniel Quesney
15x15 cm. 208 pages. 12 €
Daniel Quesney
15x15 cm. 208 pages. 12 €